Message from the President
Our team will be representing the University of Calgary, and the Schulich School of Engineering, as well as our sponsors at the upcoming SAE Aero Design West Competition. This competition, which takes place in Fort Worth, Texas this year, will be held March 10-12, 2017.
Currently, we are creating an RC plane to participate in the regular class of the said competition. We have worked long hours in the past semester in completing the plane design. For the next two months, we will be working on constructing and testing the plane. This requires a high level of skill and collaboration to ensure the success in the SAE competition.
Our team is composed of high-achieving engineering and business students aiming to transform classroom-based knowledge into real world applications. Competiting in the SAE Aero Design Competition is the first step towards this goal.
Our flights to Texas are funded by the Schulich School of Engineering. However, the competition registration, construction materials, trip accomodation and transportation expenses are covered by our student team.
We ask our fellow Calgarians and aerospace enthusiasts for some monetary support to help us win the SAE Aero Design Competition. We hope to bring pride to our university and to our city.
Ben Dalman